# Git


[ ] means that it can be omitted.

# Setup

git config --global user.name "my name"
git config --global user.email "my-address@goes.here"
git config --global core.editor "notepad++"
git config --list

git config --global -e # to use specific editor

cat ~/.gitconfig

# 4 Areas

  • Working Directory
  • Staging Area
  • Repository (.git folder)
  • Remote

# Basics

# Words

  • HEAD means last commit.

# Add

git add . # all files under current directory
git add -A # all files
git add -u # all files except new files (u = update)

git add . --dry-run # pre test

# Commit

git commit -m "commit message"
git commit -am "commit message" # add & commit at same time

# List tracked files

git ls-files

# Unstage

git reset [HEAD]
git reset [HEAD] somefile.txt

# Discard changes

git checkout [--] somefile.txt

# Move files

git mv file1.txt file2.txt

the difference between mv andgit move is that git mv automatically stages files.

# Delete files

git rm file1.txt

# Show logs

git log --all --oneline --graph --decorate
git log f8vk34...1ffai8
git log somefile.txt
git log --follow somefile.txt # follow rename

git show fi8vd2

# Alias

git config --global alias.h "log --oneline"
git h # => equiv with "git log --oneline"

or edit .gitconfig directly.

# Merge & Diff tools

git config --global merge.tool p4merge
git config --global mergetool.p4merge.path "C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe"

git config --global diff.tool p4merge
git config --global difftool.p4merge.path "C:/Program Files/Perforce/p4merge.exe"

# Compare

All followning diffs can be replaced with difftool

# HEAD vs Working directory

git diff

# HEAD vs Staging area

git diff --staged
git diff --cached

# HEAD vs All changes(staged & unstaged)

git diff HEAD

# HEAD vs Specific commit

git diff fj38v87 [HEAD]
git diff HEAD^ [HEAD]

Note that args should be lined old commit first. Otherwise result will be opposite.

# Between specific commits

git diff fj38v87 ow8vjq3

# Between branches

git diff mainbranch topicbranch

# Local vs Remote

git diff origin/remoteBranchName localBranchName

# Branch & Marge

# Show branch

git branch -a # show remote & local branch

# Create branch

git branch somename
git checkout -b somename # create branch & checkout

# Rename branch

git branch -m some_name some_new_name

# Delete branch

git branch -d somename
git branch -D somename # delete unmerged branch

# Merge branch (Fast-Forward)

git merge somebranch

# Merge branch (Non Fast-Forward)

git merge --no-ff somebranch
git merge --no-ff somebranch -m "commit message"

# Resolving conflicts

git merge somebranch
git mergetool
git commit -m "this is merge commit message"

.orig file (backup file) may be created when resolving conflicts. remove or ignore it.

# Remote Branch

# push


git push origin some_localbranch:remote_branch
git push -u origin some_localbranch:remote_branch # 設定を記憶しておく

# branch


git branch -v # ブランチ一覧
git branch -vv # ブランチ一覧(リモートとの対応つき)

# prune


git remote prune origin
git remote prune origin --dry-run

# Rebase

# from local branch

git checkout -b myfeature
git rebase master
git mergetool # if there is conflicts, fix it
git rebase --continue
git rebase --abort # cancel rebasing

# from remote branch

git fetch origin/master
git checkout master
git rebase origin/master

# or

git pull --rebase origin master

# onto


# Example:
#                     G - H - I(unit-test)
#                    /
#           D - E - F (develop)
#          /
# A - B - C (master)
# git rebase --onto master develop unit-test
#           D - E - F (develop)
#          /
# A - B - C - (master) - G' - H' - I'(unit-test)

# Stash

git stash [save "this is stash message"]
git stash -u # include new file (u = untracked)
git stash list
git stash show [stash@{0}]
git stash apply [stash@{0}]
git stash drop # delete most recent stash
git stash drop [stash@{0}]
git stash clear # delete all stash
git stash pop [stash@{0}] # apply & drop at a time

git stash branch newbranchname
# Create a new branch with name `newbranchname`
# Checkout to new branch
# Apply & drop a stash

# Tag

Tags can be used as params.

git diff mytag HEAD

# Lightweight tag

git tag mytag
git tag mytag 870f3c
git tag mytag 870f3c -f # force to move tag point
git tag --list
git tag --delete mytag

# Annotated tag

Annotated tag has Tagger(author), date&time, tag message. Rest is same as lightweight tag.

git tag -a v-1.0
git show v-1.0

# push tags to remote

git push origin master --tags # transfer all tag
git push origin :mytag # delete tag

# Reflog

git reflog
git reset 357vef9 # back to this reflog

# submodule

  • 親リポジトリ内で、別のリポジトリを子として管理するときに使う
  • .gitmodulesに、submodule の一覧が記録される
  • submodule のバージョンはコミットハッシュ(特定のバージョン)で管理されている。
  • 親リポジトリをcheckoutした際など submodule の参照先コミットハッシュが変わったときは、submodule を手動でアップデートする必要がある。
git submodule add ${REPO_URL} ${TARGET_DIR}

# submoduleが参照しているコミットハッシュの一覧を表示する
git submodule

# submoduleが参照しているコミットハッシュが変わったときは
# 手動でsubmoduleを更新する必要がある
git submodule update

参考資料 (opens new window)